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File Name: uni-ast-package-1.2.0.tar.gz
File Size: 41.65 MB
File Type: application/x-compressed-tar
Doc Type: Source
OS: Linux
Release Date: Jul 11 2014
Hits: 7124


This is the UniMRCP package for Asterisk. The package contains the following main software components:

   * Asterisk 11.11.0
   * UniMRCP 1.2.0
   * UniMRCP Dependencies 1.2.1
   * UniMRCP Modules for Asterisk 1.2.0


If Asterisk and UniMRCP have already been installed, the first two steps can be skipped.

* Step 1 - Installation of Asterisk.

  Run the asterisk-install.sh script to install Asterisk. The script will also prompt to
  optionally install sample configuration files.

* Step 2 - Installation of UniMRCP.

  Run the unimrcp-install.sh script to install UniMRCP and its dependencies.

* Step 3 - Installation of UniMRCP modules for Asterisk.

  Run the modules-install.sh script to install the UniMRCP modules for Asterisk.

