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Using UniMRCP Server with AWS APIs

This post is dedicated to the use of UniMRCP Server with AWS APIs such Lex, Transcribe and Polly.

Our goal is to make the AWS speech APIs seamlessly available to all the major IVR platforms via the standard-based MRCP interface. In addition to the existing integrations with Polly, Lex V1 and Transcribe APIs, the new Lex V2 API has been supported by the Lex plugin to the UniMRCP server since early 2021. This integration became possible due to our efficient communication with the Lex team. I would like to thank everyone we have worked with and Anubhav Mishra, PM of Lex, in particular.

Please check out the following article posted on the AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog regarding the integration with UniMRCP.

Many thanks go to the APN team and Victor Rojo, Sr. Partner Solutions Architect, in particular, for enrolling Universal Speech Solutions LLC in the partner network and also publishing the blog post.

In addition, you may find the following quite detailed tutorials handy.

There are a number of active projects we have been involved with the AWS teams, which would hopefully evolve into business cases to share with in the foreseeable future...

Thank you for using UniMRCP.

Arsen Chaloyan
Author of UniMRCP

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