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UniMRCP 1.4.0 RPM and Deb Packages Published

UniMRCP users:

Please be informed that binary packages of UniMRCP 1.4.0 release for the following Linux distributions have been published and are freely available to registered users for download.

  • Red Hat / Cent OS 6
  • Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

The following manuals provide detailed installation instructions.

The binaries are built out of UniMRCP 1.4.0 source release as the title suggests. The same concerns the dependencies, although there are a few details two mention.

As you may know, patched versions of the APR, APR-Util and Sofia-SIP libraries are included in a common source package accompanying a UniMRCP release such as unimrcp-deps-1.4.0. However, while the binaries for dependencies are built from the same unimrcp-deps-1.4.0 source, they are packaged individually having a corresponding version number set. In this case, the version numbers do not reflect UniMRCP releases, but have the original numbers the libraries are based upon. This allows for proper dependency tracking.

Another caveat is, in order to avoid any possible conflicts between the original distributions of the libraries and the versions distributed by UniMRCP, the packages are prefixed with uni. This results in the following names:

  • uniapr-1.5.2
  • uniapr-util-1.5.4
  • unisofia-sip-1.12.11

Note that all the packages, including the dependencies, are configured to be installed in the directory /opt/unimrcp and will not affect installation from source.

While the packages for Red Hat 7 and Ubuntu 16 are scheduled to be produced later, the Asterisk/UniMRCP packages for Red Hat 6 and Ubuntu 14 are coming next...


Thanks for using UniMRCP.

Arsen Chaloyan
Author of UniMRCP

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