Powered by Universal Speech Solutions LLC


Google Dialogflow Plugin 1.14.0 Released

Google Dialogflow (GDF) Plugin 1.14.0 to the UniMRCP Server (UMS) has been released.

The plugin is based on the following components:

  • UniMRCP Server 1.6.0
  • Google Dialogflow API v2
  • gRPC 1.20.0
  • Protobuf 3.7.0

The binaries are currently available for the following Linux distributions:

  • Red Hat / CentOS 7 (unimrcp-gdf-1.6.8-1.el7.x86_64.rpm)
  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (unimrcp-gdf_1.6.8-xenial_amd64.deb)
  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (unimrcp-gdf_1.6.8-bionic_amd64.deb)

This release improve support for speech recognition performed with barge-in-able prompts and introduces numerous supplementary features and enhancements to the existing functionality.

The detailed list of changes introduced in this release follows.
New Features
  • Reinitiate gRPC StreamingDetectIntent request if the current one completes with empty results. The behavior can be controlled by a new boolean parameter 'skip-empty-results', which can be overridden per individual request.
  • If the configuration parameter 'use-logging-tag' is set to 'true', the header field Logging-Tag, if specified, is used as a suffix while composing file names of utterances and RDRs.
  • If the configuration parameter 'stream-creation-timeout' is specified, a timer is set to track gRPC stream creation. If the service is unavailable or cannot be reached due to a network problem, the timer allows to respond with an error in a timely manner without waiting for expiration of the default gRPC deadline.
  • Implemented redirection of logs produced by the gRPC library. This feature is disabled by default and can be controlled by new configuration parameter 'grpc-log-redirection', 'grpc-log-verbosity' and 'grpc-log-trace'.
  • Added support for HTTP proxy in communication with license servers available as a service.
Fixed Problems
  • When a STOP request is received or no-input timeout is elapsed, cancel the ongoing gRPC request, if any, in order to complete the operation straightaway, instead of waiting for normal completion of gRPC streaming by sending the final data chunk.
Configuration Parameters
  • Added a new attribute 'skip-empty-results' to the element 'streaming-recognition'. The attribute defaults to 'true'.
  • Added a new attribute 'stream-creation-timeout' to the element 'streaming-recognition'. The attribute defaults to 0 (unset).
  • Added new attributes 'grpc-log-redirection', 'grpc-log-verbosity' and 'grpc-log-trace' to the element 'streaming-recognition'.
  • Added new attributes 'http-proxy-address' and 'http-proxy-port' to the element 'license-server'.
  • Added a new attribute 'use-logging-tag' to the elements 'utterance-manager' and 'rdr-manager'.
  • Updated the Usage Guide to reflect the changes introduced in this release.

Visit the GDF plugin page for more information.


Thank you for using UniMRCP.

Arsen Chaloyan
Author of UniMRCP

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