Powered by Universal Speech Solutions LLC


AWS Polly Plugin 1.5.0 Released

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Polly Speech Synthesis Plugin 1.5.0 to the UniMRCP Server (UMS) has been released.

The plugin is based on the following components:

  • UniMRCP Server 1.6.0
  • AWS SDK 1.7.216

The binaries are currently available for the following Linux distributions:

  • Red Hat / CentOS 7 (unimrcp-polly-1.6.4-1.el7.x86_64.rpm)
  • Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (unimrcp-polly_1.6.4-xenial_amd64.deb)
  • Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (unimrcp-polly_1.6.4-bionic_amd64.deb)

This release allows to select a neural or standard voice engine. The release introduces numerous supplementary features and enhancements to the existing functionality.

The detailed list of changes introduced in this release follows.
New Features
  • Added support for a new parameter 'voice-engine', which can be set either to 'standard' or 'neural'. The parameter can be specified globally from the plugin configuration or per synthesis request via the header filed Vendor-Specific-Parameters.
  • If the configuration parameter 'use-logging-tag' is set to 'true', the header field Logging-Tag, if specified, is used as a suffix while composing file names of waveforms and SDRs.
Fixed Problems
  • Use HTTP proxy settings not only for Polly API but also for STS API requests.
Configuration Parameters
  • Added a new attribute 'voice-engine' to the element 'synth-settings'.
  • Added a new attribute 'use-logging-tag' to the elements 'waveform-manager' and 'sdr-manager'.
  • Updated the Usage Guide to reflect the changes introduced in this release.

Visit the Polly plugin page for more information.


Thank you for using UniMRCP.

Arsen Chaloyan
Author of UniMRCP

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